
I’m Joshua.

The Internet connects people in ways no one fathomed.  This is just the beginning of what the world will truly achieve through the power of world-wide networking.

Here Are Some Recent Articles I’ve Written:

How Visual Artists Are Using AI To Redefine Art

Imagine a world where robots, highly trained and specialized, exhibit their vast intelligence by creating unique works of art, all on their own. Perhaps in this world you would also encounter art exhibitions featuring hybrid AI creatures that interact with museum visitors. Or immersive artistic journeys that bring a viewer into an entire new world, guided by AI bots. Fantasy? Futuristic? Science Fiction? Not anymore. What was once squarely located in the realm of science fiction, has today become a widespread part of our daily reality. .

How Learning to Code Helps Students Develop Essential Skills

Since the rise and proliferation of the internet in the late 1990s, coding has become an increasingly vital skill in the workplace. While coding may not be the most obvious choice for young learners, it is, in fact, a great subject to study, even for students as young as 5-10 years old.


5 Easy Ways To Protect Yourself From Online Hackers

With so many different types of interaction taking place over the internet every day, each of us is sharing a huge amount of data, whether we are aware of it or not. And that makes us vulnerable to bad actors online.

Luckily, shoring up your personal cybersecurity does not have to be hugely difficult. There are simple, straightforward measures you can take to boost your online security.

About Me, the writer

Josh Rogan is an expert in web technologies, internet age communications, and new AI developments. He believes that we have only just begun to engage the full potential of the internet. Since studying Computer Science he has worked as a freelance IT consultant, deepening his respect for what technology can do. Now he is looking to try his hand at writing and share what he has learned with as many people as he can.

When some people think of IT, their eyes glaze over with boredom. Endless strings of binary code flash before their eyes, as do the off-color jokes of nerdy characters from movies and TV. In fact, the invention of the world wide web and all the technology that has evolved since then reveal fascinating insights about the ways people connect. We are not just individuals living separate lives; just like trees in the forest connected deeply by root networks growing underneath, people are individual expressions of a broader interconnected whole. And that whole entire network is linked through the internet. Through our internet-enabled connective tissue we transfer information, stories, ideas, and possibilities.As this network grows and sprouts new tech innovations, I want to be there on the cutting edge, sharing my enthusiasm about what the internet can do. From the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to the most intriguing new Smart City and cybersecurity innovations, I walk readers through what it means to live in today’s technologically sophisticated world.

More of Josh Rogan’s Work

Below you will find a selection of recent articles. Take a look, take your time, and enjoy reading about a myriad of different astounding technologies.

Here Are Some Recent Articles I’ve Written:

How Visual Artists Are Using AI To Redefine Art

Imagine a world where robots, highly trained and specialized, exhibit their vast intelligence by creating unique works of art, all on their own. Perhaps in this world you would also encounter art exhibitions featuring hybrid AI creatures that interact with museum visitors. Or immersive artistic journeys that bring a viewer into an entire new world, guided by AI bots. Fantasy? Futuristic? Science Fiction? Not anymore. What was once squarely located in the realm of science fiction, has today become a widespread part of our daily reality. 

How Learning to Code Helps Students Develop Essential Skills

Since the rise and proliferation of the internet in the late 1990s, coding has become an increasingly vital skill in the workplace. While coding may not be the most obvious choice for young learners, it is, in fact, a great subject to study, even for students as young as 5-10 years old.


Benefits of the Hybrid Remote Working Model

Since the start of the global coronavirus pandemic several years ago, the way we go to work has drastically changed to the hybrid work model. With office buildings remaining empty for years, and even stores and other workspaces displaying nothing but shuttered windows and locked doors, businesses of all kinds have had to find ways of adapting. At this point in the equation, we see the entrance of the hybrid working model. 

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